Tovia Singer

Author Archives

  • Confused Texts and Testimonies – Part 2

    [emd_donation email=”[email protected]”] This two-part program is quite a departure from its predecessors.Rather than responding to points made by missionaries, this presentation takes the offensive presentation, raising questions about Christendom’s most fundamental teachings. Rabbi Singer carefully explains why Jesus is ineligible to be the messiah, and probes Jesus’ troubling genealogy.

  • Confused Texts and Testimonies – Part 1

    [emd_donation email=”[email protected]”] This two-part program is quite a departure from its predecessors.Rather than responding to points made by missionaries, this presentation takes the offensive presentation, raising questions about Christendom’s most fundamental teachings. Rabbi Singer carefully explains why Jesus is ineligible to be the messiah, and probes Jesus’ troubling genealogy.

  • Is Jesus The Promised Messiah?

  • Is Jesus Prophesied in the Jewish Scriptures?

  • Outreach Judaism Responds to Jews for Jesus

    The central goal of Outreach Judaism is to respond directly and effectively to unyielding Christian missionaries who specifically target Jews for conversion. As overzealous, fundamentalist denominations grow worldwide and Jewish evangelism continues at a feverish pitch, the overwhelming task of Outreach Judaism becomes more vital than ever. puzzling given that whereas our Let’s Get Biblical audio series […]

  • Why Didn’t the Red Ribbon on the Head of the Scapegoat Turn White in 30 C.E.?

    Question: I was wondering about a story that a “Hebrew-Christian” told me recently. He said that there was a scarlet cloth which would turn white every year when the high priest atoned for the sins of the people. When Jesus died, around 30 A.D., the cloth would no longer turn white when the priest atoned […]

  • Contrite Minister Apologizes for the Church’s Long History of Hate

    Question: Dear Rabbi Singer: It was informative to browse your site. I am a pretty typical Presbyterian, Reformed, Calvinist, gentile pastor. Each time I read comments of Luther, Calvin, and others in my tradition as reflected in “Reformers’ Advice,” I’m filled with tremendous sadness and heaviness. Obviously we will differ on most things that matter most to us, […]