Who Killed Jesus?
Question: Dear Rabbi, What can you answer to a “Christian” who claims that the Jews killed Jesus? I was too […]
Question: Dear Rabbi, What can you answer to a “Christian” who claims that the Jews killed Jesus? I was too […]
Question: Dear Rabbi Singer: I’m doing a project on missionary and counter-missionary groups. There is a very large section in
[button linking=”new_window” link=”http://outreachjudaism.org/sin-and-atonement-audio/” align=”left” size=”big” type=”standard” icon=”microphone” title=”Sin and Atonement” text_color=”#ffffff” bg_color=”blue”]Click here to listen to the Audio Sin and Atonement[/button] Question:
Question: Rav Singer, Why did you say Christians mistranslate the Scripture by saying “almah” doesn’t mean “virgin,” when their translation
[button linking=”new_window” link=”http://outreachjudaism.org/satan-audio/” align=”left” size=”big” type=”standard” icon=”microphone” title=”Judaism and Christianity on Satan: Why We Differ” text_color=”#ffffff” bg_color=”blue”]Click here to listen
Question: Dear Rabbi Singer, A coworker and friend of mine, who I know is a fundamentalist Christian, recently asked me
Question: Dear Rabbi Singer, Apparently, you guys have not read about the foolishness of the Sanhedrin 2,000 years ago. Or
Question: Why is there so much emphasis by the Christians for the year 2000 as being a redemption year? I